I believe in beauty and have faith in its restorative power. At Dhyana Cleaning, we reveal the beauty of the spaces we clean, but also the beauty within ourselves. And we do this inner cleaning with a variety of tools. A tool that I was particularly inspired by recently is radically transparent and authentic communication. I first read about this concept in Ray Dalio’s book Principles. Ray explains…
“The most meaningful relationships are achieved when you and others can speak openly to each other about everything that’s important, learn together, and understand the need to hold each other accountable to be as excellent as you can be. When you have such relationships with those you work with, you pull each other through challenging times; at the same time, sharing challenging work draws you closer and strengthens your relationships. This self-reinforcing cycle creates the success that allows you to pursue more and more ambitious goals.” - Ray Dalio #principleoftheday
I would add two points to Ray’s amazing insights:
- We all have our own narratives. A critical aspect of being a leader is to recognize this and work towards better understanding our narrative and those we lead. Don’t try to convince others of your narrative, but rather work hard to actively listen to your team’s viewpoints, and in doing so, create the opportunity for growth and deeper connections.
- Its true that radical transparency allows for the attainment of more and more ambitious goals but even more important, is how we approach our relationships and what blossoms as a result. When we approach relationships with an open mind and speak our truth with an open mind to understand the other person’s experience, this deepens the relationship and allows us to grow our interconnectedness. It enables us to further step into our humanity and purpose for being on this planet! And well, I guess when you think about it, this is an ambitious goal in and of itself…right on Ray!
While growing Dhyana Cleaning, I’ve gotten very familiar with my inner narrative. I’ve learned that dirt is not just external material, it’s also internal material, that accumulates when we are not mindful of our triggers. Recently, I realized that my internal dirt was needing some cleaning and one of the cleaning tools I needed to use was honest, raw communication.
The situation that threw a messy party in my mind last week deeply impacted me; I was in reactive mode, my thoughts ruminating around being offended and not taken seriously…which quickly spiralled into thoughts of not being respected. I made a very harsh decision based on the dirt that was building up inside of me. But before I acted on this decision – one that couldn’t be reversed - I decided to pause and take time to explore where these thoughts were coming from and to open my mind to other possibilities.
And what emerged was a cleansing conversation with the person I was originally offended by. And the results were beautiful. We had the opportunity to understand each others’ point of view; to clarify and gain a clearer path forward. Sometimes relationships need deep cleaning and even though in the moment the work is challenging, the results are more often than not, cleansing. A deeper understanding, connection and clarity. A healthier environment in which to build a meaningful life…. Ultimately, there are times in our lives that are accompanied by total, absolute clarity, uninterrupted by anything other than the experience of the moment. And that’s the power and beauty of inner cleaning and authentic communication. It comes from the heart, with the intention of deeper understanding and connection.
This blog is written by Katie Shulist, the founder of Dhyana Cleaning. Photo by Brodie Vissers from Burst.
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